Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Human in Solitude

It's thrilling to feel free from whatever deadlines that have been consistently breathing down your neck, for the last four months, to say the least. I'm glad it's over!

Yes! I am officially done with my post-grad dip in education and officially starting my career... something that I've been waiting for my entire lifetime.

Haing said that, being in solitude makes me think about so many other things in life; I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster ride, but I don't even know where I'm heading to?

At this point, I've got a really close fren getting married in 2 days time (only God knows how happy I am for them). Then I finally get to see you after a long hiatus. I'm still the same, still having the same level of optimism for us for I'm a fighter who will keep trying no matter wat.

Few years ago, I used to share with my frens that when it comes to love - I'd rather love a person than be loved. Cos I said that my love will be eternal while others' love for me can dwindle beyond my control. You know what? I lied, in true fact, I realised I NEED both.

I'm sorry, I'm just a human.

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