Sunday, 25 May 2008

Cadbury Bilis!

Woke up since morning trying to complete all the proposal letters for the upcoming voluntary project that I'm involved in. Strangely despite the penat, managed to do everything within 3 hrs, yep 3hrs of facing straight into my laptop.. hah

Soon, umi shouted from the kitchen "Oi! Nak makan tak? Umi dah masak nasi lemak ni..."

Of course, i jolted form my seat and rushed into the kitchen, ready to savour my forever-craving nasi lemak...

Took two small scoops of nasi (kononnye nak setep kuruuus - nasi kan equal carbo) plus heaps of sambal plus telor mata lembu plus segenggam ikan bilis garing.. yummy.. Umi made a comment "Sikit jer makan... diet ke???" Dengan senyuman tersipu2 lagikan gedik, I answered "TAK la"...

Yang kelakarnyer, i finished everything within 4 minutes, so much of wanting to chew the food slowly so as to improve digestion so that less fats will be stored, yeah rite!!!

Seperti biasa bila dah makan, mesti nak cuci mulut... buka aisbob ambik coklat cadbury with i was munching two small cubes of the dairy, mata terpandang the ikan bilis and so the uncontrollable kid in me took a small genggam and throw it rite into my mouth, almost fogetting that I still have chocolates in my mouth..

So there you haf it, a disgusting mix of ikan bilis and chocolate and nuts..

But on 2nd thought - it tasted quite ok, crunchy mix of sweet and masin anchovies... euwwwyummmy..

Ok I'm going for a 2nd round!

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